The course is a 3-day interactive training course aimed at giving trainees the overview of the fundamental pillars of Reliability and Maintenance, as defined by the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals.
Separately from the course, an examination for a the SMRP certification of Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional test will be organized right after the conclusion of the course.
Each course module covers one of the 5 pillars of a Reliable Manufacturing Organization, as defined by the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) body of knowledge for the CMRP certification.
For individuals that are new to the world of Reliability and Maintenance the course will provide an overview over aspects to master. For individuals aiming to take the CMRP test, the course will provide a refresher prior to the separate test session.
The Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) program is the primary certification program for, skills, knowledge, and abilities of Maintenance and Reliability professionals. Assessing more than just textbook knowledge, the exam tests and validates the skills and abilities of maintenance and reliability professionals according to the objective Body of Knowledge.